Salam and good morning to all my fan club members !!

It's still early in the morning and I'm still dreaming .. dream of me being surrounded by thousands of "silversarina fan club members " ..... any new fan club members out there .... come let's join the club......hahaha.
Let's forget about my crazy dream that I had last night .
Let's get back to my present life, the real life of me.
This is what I want to share.......
Having 3 daughters and two sons is a bless from The Al Mighty Allah. Zaid and Safiyyah are already above 20 and Sumayyyah is going to be 20 this September . Those three diamonds of mine are no longer my little babies . They are now adults , just like me and most of other bloggers. Izzat is 15 and Mimi is going to be 7 end of this month. So there I go.... 3 adults, 1 teenager and 1 small girl , all wonderful children granted by The Most Gracious Allah.
When you have 3 big grown up kids , that's when you start thinking abouit their future life more seriously.
Zaid ... got married 2 years ago at the age at 21 ( Darling and I got married at the age of 19 ) . Zaid is now 23 and blessed with a son ,Umair ( at 23, both darling and I already had 2 kids !) . Zaid's ambition is to be a businessman . Alhamdulillah . this is what he is doing right now. No matter how small his business loooks like, I always pray for his fruitful business journey... in order to have big business, one has to start with a small one, right ???
Safiyyah .... going to be a 5th year medical students this September . Doctor Safiyyah is what she wants to be since she's little . 2 more years to go and InsyaAllah she'll be a qualified doctor in town . She's going to be 22 early August , still single (ye ke ni ???) . I consider her to be single since so far I have yet to approve any boy ' coming ' in . As a mother I have my right to accept/reject any incoming candidates of my future son-in laws . I'm serious about this since I don't want my daughters to fall in love with any man whom I don't favour/like . So far , no yes/no answer for her present status ( ?????? ) .
Sumayyah..... 3rd year chemical engineering student . InsyaAllah she'll graduate in 1 1/2 years time. As far as I know , she doesn't really have any ambition . She chooses her career line solely based on her SPM result . Being a DOCTOR or a TEACHER is absolutely NO NO NO for her. Future husband ???? Not in her mind at this moment . She adores her single and happy life now . Last week Mimi told me Maya has her boyfriend's picture in her purse. I told Mimi how come I didn't know about Maya having a steady boyfriend. Mimi insisted that I look for the picture in Maya's purse and ............. it was........ Lee Min Ho , a famous Korean actor .... hahahahaha.

Enough story for today ... see you soon .
Salam Isra' Mikraj to all muslims.