It's birthday time again ... last week the 8th ... today the 23rd ......
It's Safiyyah's 23rd birthday .. she's my second child who was born on 1st August1987 at Georgetown University Hospital, Washington DC , USA . I was then 22 years old . That means at her age I already got 2 kids .... huurrrmmmmm ...
She's the most active child among her 5 siblings .... always has projects in mind ( like mother like daughter actually ) , some projects are okay , a few are not ... one of the negative projects that she tried was smoking a folded leaf when she was small since the landlord Tok Ki smoked rokok daun .. there she 'joined' the Tok Ki by puffing away the folded daun while I wasn't at home and Sumayyah the 007 spy later told me about it and she was then .... no need to write it here .... hahaha .
She's just finished her summer holiday practical at Hospital Kemaman and still has one more month to spend here in Malaysia. InsyaAllah if everything goes as planned , she'll graduate next year .. Dr Safiyyah InsyaAllah .

Today I plan to bring her to a Spa and let her enjoy herself there as a birthday present from me ....
Happy 23rd Birthday Safiyyah !!
May your life is full of excitement and May Allah Bless you forever and ever .... Ameen.