At this moment .....
Still feeling down with what's going on in Perak , everything seems upside down , waiting for the bomb to explode . I'm so scared if the Perakians can't hold their anger any longer . ....
Wanting to write more but still can't find any suitable topic to discuss ....
This morning I signed up for a cooking class at The Fast Bakery Shop and the menu today is western food part 1 ( lamb chop. fish n chips, cole slaw , black pepper brown sauce and tartar sauce). Chef Zaima from KL demonstrated the process and we had the chance to taste the mouth-watering end products..... those were superb job done by the chef. I'll cook the same menu tomorrow InsyaAllah.

Chef Zaima taught us ( 20 of us ) how to coat the fish .

Tadaaa... lamb chop (above ) and the fish and chips ( below), so yummyyyy.

Hope these photos will lighten up my weekend ......

Darling with Mimi and Izzat at Phuket Restaurant in Tanjung Lumpur, Kuantan ...waiting for the food..

Purple gifts from Nurazzah (above )... handmade by her...thanks a lot dear !... suits my purple candles and flowers on my dining table .

Laksa Singapore ( above ) and Laksa Sarawak (below) that we had at Laksa Shack, Kuantan.

This morning breakfast at Padang Astaka , see that 'lady' behind mimi ??? 'She' used to be a man but this morning he's a lady wearing striking make up and high heel shoes and blonde hair...pity 'her'.

Bought this book at MM 3 weeks ago , have yet to finish and this evening we plan to go to MM again...

Till then, have a nice weekend !!
itu laksa singapore nampak byk sodap lah...terliur ni dah.
on Perak : mmg sedih tak terkata.
Kelas masak...good move; best nya..
Kesian he-she tu ya; daringnya dia buat appearance gitu pagi-pagi..
dunia akhir zaman kan.. orang yang berbuat salah makin berani di khalayak..
Kak elle,
Memang sedap laksa singapore tu, I makan laksa sarawak , pun sedap juga.
Orang Perak ramai yang nak baling kasut kat yang berkenaanmemang patut pun,
Dah lama bakery asyik dok sms pasal kelas masakan setiap hujung minggu, baru ni tergerak hati nak join .
Pakcik pompuan tak betul, nyanyi kuat-kuat, pakai mekap depan orang ramai, kesian pun ada kat dia :(
Tenguk gambar fish tu dah kelior.. emm kena cari ikan le nak masak malam ni
Perak jadi issue hangat kat opis petang semalam...
Lepas ni kalau nak makan lamb chop boleh order kat Rinalah ye...
bestnye gi kelas masak.
tgk food..mmg terliur,tgk 'pity her' tergelak...tgk 'the fefel' thing...sggh cantik..hehe.
cheer up ek sis...moga rakyat malaysia boleh berpk dgn telusnye!
pernah dengar Laksa Shack.. tapi tak pernah makan..
a man lady tu orang betul ke tak berapa betul kak Rina? kesian dia..
apo nak di kato...
laksa sarawak? peberet tuh
Kat rumah ramai yang peminat ayam, jarang masak ikan , kalau masak western style ni laju sikit budak2 ni makan.
Boleh buka restoran baru ganti mama chops papa grill ...hehehe.
Macam2 jenis manusia ada kat sini, pakcik ni dulu lain fesyennya , semalam pulak dah jadi pompuan, kesian.
laksa shack ok jugak rasanya dan tak berapa mahal, nanti balik boleh makan.
pakcik pompuan tu tak betul , hubby akak kata muka dia sama macam pakcik yang naik motor bawak bendera sokmo kat bandar kemaman.
semoga apa yang bakal berlaku mendapat redha Ilahi, den pun taktau nak kato apo :(
Laksa sarawak aje minat, muslimat sarawak camne ???
jangan marah ye ustaz, ana gurau je.
Hi Sarinah
It has been awhile since I dropped by. How have you been?
Those pictures of food (the Asian ones) made me hungry for something local. Got to bring out my pre-mixed paste for nyonya curry now. haha
wah...rajinnye cik ina sekarang..pasni leh la bukak restoran lak...hihihi...
Salam kakrina..
Lamb chop dan laksa Sarawak tu amat meruntun jiwaaaa.....terbayang di mata terasa-rasa di tekak....
muslimat sarawak? jgn teacher. kang jenuh nk pujuk yg 'sorang' tu
I miss you and your blog actually , I seldom bloghop happy to have you here.
Glad that the food shown here could trigger some idea of what to cook ... take care !!
sofie nur,
Setakat nak buat tempahan 500 orang bolehlah...hihihihi.
Mailah datang sini akak belanja dan buatkan untuk you .
Ehhh tak salah tu, satu di barat satu di timur...hahahah...auk !
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